Ok, I know - two posts in one day. So much yelling. But listen, I just got back from thanksgiving III (my son in law's birthday dinner) and have to share some things with you internets. I sat next to Grandma tonight at dinner. She's my son-in-law's grandmother. And she is a hoot. How could someone NOT like a woman who still drinks scotch on the rocks at 89? How can you not? Red hair. No, flaming red hair. Fashionable? well, she is always the best dressed person at any function I've ever attended. I'm just drawn to her. She doesn't get much attention from most of the family but I tell you, she is quite the fascinating person and I thoroughly enjoy conversations with her. She's like this little withered child-size personage sitting inched above her dinner plate and she's carrying on a conversation with references back to a time I only knew when I read Encyclopedia Britannica when I was a kid. It kinda blows you away. I mean, we're talking about Amelia Erehart and she pipes in, "Oh, my yes, I remember seeing that in the news. Wasn't that something? Flying to Paris?" Well, ok, so it get's mixed up a bit with Lindberg, but it's amazing nonetheless.
I told her a bit about my 91 year old uncle who flew the Hump in China-Burma-India and she knew all about that. I tell ya, some of the gems one can find on life's journey are precious beyond measure.
It's always something....
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