I'm a drummer. Or...I have become one. Or, actually, I have always been a drummer and now it has come upon me. I'm like, 60+ frickin' years old and have been hearing, listening, memorizing absorbing beat and rhythm ever since I started listening to Buddy Holly late at night on KOMA and WLS in the 50's. Gee-Zus! I have the drum tracks of almost every rock song on the charts since 1962 - in my brain. It has been an unrealized obsession.
Education? Nope. Can't read music to speak of. Training? Nope. I took 3 months of lessons in 2002 from a cool guy who played for Lou Rawls and others. Too expensive so I faded that out to black. I just do it. And, yeah, I've come to the opinion that I am not good enough - yet.
Things that have held my passion throughout my life have always driven me to an obsession of mastery, precision and perfection. There have been three of these. One, art. Two (chortle if you must) bowling, and three, my drums. My spouse and daughter will attest to the fact that there are absolutely no other things I have ever done that the words mastery, precision and perfection come close to describing. I suck at pretty much all else.
So, yeah. I bought a drum set in 2002. Always wanted one. You remember the one crystal that superman laid into the crystal control panel in that ice palace or whatever the fuck it was up on the north pole? and all this shit started moving and melting and happening? That's what my drum set did to me. It is still doing it. I am obsessed with rhythm and how you can paint the music with it. And how precise it can be.
I've started doing studio track recording now for one of the bands I'm in and it had elevated me to a new plateau. Oh, god, the perfection you can achieve. Can achieve. Not always. And I listen to music I've heard for 40+ years and hear the drum tracks and marvel at the perfection - and yeah the mistakes I can now hear. Subtle, but you can hear them.
I play in 4 different bands now. Some more active than others. It has come upon me and I am swept away in it.
Rock on.............
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