Saturday, June 29, 2013

Television Entertainment

Lately I've been getting a little bored with HBO and the Comedy network.  I've found what seems to be an endless source of true comedy entertainment, even though it seems to pander to the fans of early day TV like Laurel and Hardy and such.  It's hard to watch if you really like to think, but then sometimes you just need something mind-numbing.

It has succeeded in reaching the less educated among us.

It's always something...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Your right to Choose, America...

Say...don't know if you've toggled down your choice bar lately, but it's been updated.  That's the great thing about this country - our freedom of choice.

It's always something...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yes, I HAVE had enough!

Rather than push 'don't like' (I've noticed that FB took out this option some time ago) and rather than commenting so the FB world can see my thoughts, I have elected to come down here in the basement and yell..."HELL YES I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!"

You see, that way not everyone can hear it. only those of you who know where my basement is (even if you elect to maybe not come down), you can just stand at the top of the stairs to hear what the lunatic is yelling about today.

And, no, Pat or 'Personal Liberty/Freedom' or whoever the hell made and sent this - no, I haven't had enough with what this poster seems to suggest.  I have had enough with the pure fact that someone thinks this is a good way to rattle their saber, or in the case of where I grew up, rattle their shotguns on the rear window of their F-100.

I guess I'll just come out and say it.  Fuck you.

Fuck you, who no longer accepts things you cannot change.  Fuck you, who thinks it's time to change things you cannot accept.  Well, fine, I'll watch you.  Yes, I vote too.  And, no, I don't put myself above you, even though you have chosen to put yourself above me.  You ARE better than me, aren't you Pat?

Yeah, I've had enough, but -it's always something, isn't it?.........

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Those darn Turks...

Those darn Turks...
I thought I would share a recent article sent to me c/o Rachael Maddow.  Yeah, some folks don't like her.
I'm doing my part to let folks know what's going on over there.

....."Thousands of Turkish protesters are heading to the streets for a ninth day of demonstrations, and to counter their government's heavy-handed tactics, they've found some pretty clever ways to get their message out.
On Thursday, we talked about game show host Ali Ihsan Varol overcoming media censorship by transforming the show's signature word puzzles into political statements.  
What's a democracy breather?  Gazmaskesi!  
A social network site described as a curse?  Twitter!
Varol was taken off the air after Monday's show, but following public outcry, resumed regularly scheduled live broadcasts on Friday.
In addition to media censorship, protestors have had to contend with aggressive policing, including tear gas and water cannons.  
This is TOMA, a riot control vehicle.

TOMA has followed these protesters around for several days now, which prompted the protester on the right to make a sign saying: I have been with TOMA for 8 days.  We're getting serious.  (Note the little hearts at the bottom of the sign.)

The guy next to him is holding a green sign saying: Without (tear) gas, what remains?  Life just isn't the same. (H/T Selen Koksal for the translations.)...."

I mean, really, ya gotta love the Turks....

It's always something

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dismal weather is just around the corner now...

June 4th in Seattle

God help us, we are going to PAY for this!!!  

I'm just going to leave shorts/sandals/ all that happy-clothes kind of thing in the drawer and wait for the dreary absolutely CRAPPY summer ahead.


It's always something...