Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mr. brain comments

Mr. brain is asking mr. body to type this tonight. Mr. brain has almost had enough of this shit. Mr. brain has been riding around in the cranial cavity supplied by mr. body for over 60 years now. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the ride and the places I've directed mr. body to take me. And, tonight, mr. body (and by the way, my god you've let yourself go down there!) mr. body has dutifully gone to the kitchen and has imbibed enough gin to satisfy my need for the soft, quieting, gin-induced fog through which I can exist after another day in Kansas.

We're all basically our brains. Without them, the body just lies there like a suit of clothes waiting to be put on for the day. Nope, brains make you breathe, eat and do all the things that enable support, energy and transportation for the brain. We are really just wrinkled, grey cortex matter with sensory equipment to relate to one another.

My brain is in Kansas right now and wondering just how much more it can take watching the bodies and talking heads on Fox News babble and bluster WITHOUT brains guiding them in their endeavors. It's like watching beheaded chickens running around the barnyard. How did they come to lose their brains and what in god's name is propelling them? My brain has watched this for several days now and is puzzled beyond measure.

No! my brain isn't superior. far from it. But the body called what-? - Hannidy or something like that? My god, it's from some other planet.

Mr. brain would go on but the transport device has expended itself for today. More tomorrow.

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