Friday, November 30, 2012

Republicans make stunning announcement

In a truly stunning turnaround in party politics, Republicans announced the new chairwomen for the 113th congress.

“We’ve been skirting the issue long enough…” one congressmanwoman said.  “We all decided it was time to quit fooling the American dolts people like they are all stupid or something.” 

The new all-woman set of Republicans is set to go into action next session.  “Wait until you see what we have in store for including Hispanics to the House…”  Said one representative, who wished to be blameless nameless.

It’s always something…

Monday, November 26, 2012

The trauma of it all...

Sally entered into the rows of desks at the S.A.T. exam and put her back pack down.  She was confident her high school studies and the extra work she had put in would now pay off as she readied herself for college.

She hoped to score well enough to get into Stanford, her dream since she could remember.  The test papers were handed out, her #2 pencils were sharp,  she had a good night’s sleep.  She was ready.

But Sally didn’t do well at all.  She couldn’t concentrate and at times felt suffocated.  She scored badly on the test.

Sally was seated right behind a really large woman….

It’s always something…

Friday, November 23, 2012

HERE, now...

UNITE HERE, formerly The Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union (HERE) and UNITE, (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees), formed in 2004, asked Mitt Romney last week if he would consider speaking at their upcoming 2013 convention near their offices in New York City.

Mr. Romney stormed past the group in a huff.  “I guess that fellow is still upset about that video one of our members made last spring.”  Said one of the union officials.  Someone rescuing a stack of plates nearly knocked over by the hubbub exclaimed, “Hey, stick your foot up THIS, asshole!” flipping the international single digit.

Mr. Romney was reported to have been on his way to the Cayman Islands.

It’s always something…

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hair on fire

f'ing jackass

I thought I would share some Maddow today...

As of yesterday, the overarching question from the right was reduced to this: the talking points made available to U.S. officials four days after the attack were slightly edited, with the word "extremists" replacing the word "terrorists." This, Republicans have argued, is critically important because, well, just because. The "scandal" conservatives are comparing to Watergate has narrowed to a discussion over word choice.

On the Sunday shows, Republicans said identifying who changed one word to another is a question that demands an answer. As it turns out, the answer is now available.
The intelligence community -- not the White House, State Department or Justice Department -- was responsible for the substantive changes made to the talking points distributed for government officials who spoke publicly about the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, the spokesman for the director of national intelligence said Monday.
The unclassified talking points on Libya, developed several days after the deadly attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, were not substantively changed by any agency outside of the intelligence community, according to the spokesman, Shawn Turner.
The talking point initially pointed to al Qaeda involvement, but officials didn't want to divulge too much in non-classified materials, especially in light of classified sourcing, so the word "extremists" was used. Who made the change? The intelligence community. Why did they make the change? For entirely legitimate reasons related to intelligence and national security.
Why is this scandalous? It's not.

It's always something...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

VAWA set to expire at year’s end.

Yes, the Senate actually approved, or reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in April of 2012 (no thanks to the 31 Republican men voting against it). 

Senator Patty Murray, the Democratic point person on VAWA, is trying to foster bipartisan support for the extension of the bill.  Having “fallen and hit a door” recently she is less enthusiastic that Republicans will allow the VAWA to be extended.

Steve Benen, from the Maddow Blog reported recently that…

” Republicans lost badly in the 2012 elections, thanks in large part to the largest gender gap in modern times, but if that changed GOP attitudes towards legislation affecting women, the party is hiding it well.
Remember, the House could pass the bipartisan Senate bill, co-written by a liberal Democrat (Vermont's Pat Leahy) and a conservative Republican (Idaho's Mike Crapo), but the House GOP is convinced the bill is too nice to the LGBT community, immigrants, and Native Americans, so Republican leaders won't even bring it to the floor.
But the weak, watered-down House version can't pass the Senate, and it's already sparked a veto threat from President Obama.”

WTF is wrong with the Republican Party?   Love the name, ‘Crapo’.  Oh, and hey, Patty - you really need to be careful with those falls and doors.

It’s always something