Friday, November 22, 2013

This thank you letter from Edna is touching...

This is touching on so many levels.

It's always something...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Now I get it

Obama must then be the savior of the ants.  

It's always something...

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Those pesky trick-or-treaters...

Tired of getting up every 2 minutes to answer the door on Halloween?  Tired of buying all that candy and then having to eat it for the next 5 months, or, all at once and getting sick?  

They've pretty much taken my house off their list this year, however.  Last year I bought a bunch of Baby Ruth candy bars, opened them and put them into dog shit bags for all the little buggars.

Nobody has returned.

It's always something...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I had to share this article about police dogs...

The problem with racist Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department dogs

Written by The Sarcasmist on October 17, 2013 
Courtesy of Wikipedia
A disturbing report by the Police Assessment Resource Centre (Parc), a non-profit based in Los Angeles, alleges that Los Angeles Sheriff Department’s dogs are more likely to bite African-Americans and Latinos, stating that in the first six months of 2013 all dog bite victims were African-American and Latinos.
I don’t know why this is such a big surprise. K9 units use German Shepherd dogs, more famously known as the favorite dogs of Hitler’s army. And we all know what they were up to. So despite the claims by some that the dogs of K9 units pick up racist cues from their handlers, it is more likely that the dogs themselves are racist sons of bitches. With this in mind, it would be easy to fix this problem. Just get different breeds of dogs for the police force.
There are a variety of good options to pick from, which are not only less likely to bite, but may also be a good fit based on the areas demographic. For example, in predominantly Latino neighborhoods, the police could use Chihuahuas. Or in areas with a higher percentage of African-American population the breed of choice could be the Rhodesian Ridgeback, which is a breed developed in Southern Africa. And of course if there is a pretty even mix, then perhaps a mixed breed dog is called for.
This is of course not the only solution to this problem but it illustrates a creative approach.
If you have suggestions please share with the community. I’ll work on getting the suggestions with the most support in front of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.
Credit for this goes to 'The Sarcasmist'.  See above for a link.

It's always something....

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A matter of semantics I suppose...

I know, it just somehow seems disrespectful to the party leading our country, but darn it, I want to be honest if nothing else.

And let's hear it for the little kids dying of cancer....they need moral support from someone if not these guys.

It's always something...

Friday, October 4, 2013

It's a revelation....

It just dawned on me.  One of the problems our government has is that they lack the 'opposing thumb'.  Even monkeys have this, explaining why they can reason better than congress.  (No, it doesn't deserve a capital 'C').

It's always something...

Monday, September 2, 2013

You Know You would Want to.....

My friend and I were talking the other day about super powers and all that stuff grown men talk about (because we're all about 14 our whole lives).  We were talking about how cool it would be to like, have this power to become invisible.  The possibilities are truly endless.

He told me that the first thing he would do is travel to Paris, find a street mime, turn himself invisible and beat up the mime, right there on the street.  He said he'd guess the applause would be thunderous.

We decided to go someday.

It's always something

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Guess this pretty much explains it...

Finally, a graphic representing the gridlock in Congress.  No issues will ever be agreed upon, compromised or passed.  Ever.

It's always something...

Friday, August 16, 2013

So NOW you know the rest of the story...

Oh, pleeeeze...say it ain't so.  Gan you get Cialis in Russia?

"...come and keep your comrade warm - we're back in the USSR boy,
  You don't know how lucky you are...
     ....back in the US, back in the US, back in the USSR..."

It's always something...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A matter of perspective, I guess

I talked to a few of my friends about this tragedy recently.  One of my friends, who is I suppose you could say 'liberal' and I were wanting to know more about the pilots who had died in the crash and where they were from, if from around Seattle or not, etc.

My other friend, a conservative from the midwest, said, "Damn, I wonder if this means I won't be getting my package."  

It's all in how you see things, I guess.

It's always something...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

US Tells Russia Snowden Is Gay So They Finally Arrest Him

Ok, I had to pass this on.  News as reported on the 'Free Wood Post'

In an effort to finally capture and detain Edward Snowden, the notorious NSA whistleblower, the Obama administration, knowing Russia offered him asylum yet hates all things gay, told Russian leadership that Snowden is a homosexual.
Upon hearing the news of Snowden’s alleged sexuality they were immediately outraged and wondered how many things he may have touched at the airport.

It's always something...

Monday, August 5, 2013

judging, as it relates to 'fair and balanced'

My friends are arguing.  Well, one is, the other is just stating his opinion.  But that’s ok, we’re friends.

Sparked by an email today from our friend in the Midwest (where we are all from), the diatribe ensues with information reported on Fox News that Elliot Borsten of the Office for Civil Rights wrote a memo suggesting that ‘citizen’ and brown-bag’  no longer be used by employees of OCR. 

“You guyz don’t live in a vacuum, c’mon.  Seattle is banning these words.  I heard it on Fox News.”

Here’s part of the dialog from KOMO News:

"Luckily, we've got options," Elliott Bronstein of the Office for Civil Rights wrote in the memo. "For 'citizens,' how about 'residents?'" Bronstein wrote.

The Office of Civil Rights says Seattle serves all residents, whether they're United States citizens or not.

And while city leaders publicize "brown bag" lunch meetings as a way to designate a bring-your-own lunchtime event, the term has a sordid history.

"It used to be a way people could judge skin color," Bronstein said in a phone interview.

Does the public find it offensive? Most people agree it's not.

But the City of Seattle isn't alone. State lawmakers have voted to remove gender specific words in official records.

Freshman are now "first-years," journeymen are "journey-level," and penmanship is simply "handwriting."

To offend or not to offend, turns out to be a very sensitive question.

I was going to join in on ‘the argument’, but since I’m having a bout with diarrhea (excuse me!  Insensitive word)  A bout with gastronomical distress today, I decided to write this and piss off a wider swath of people. 

In fact, I don’t plan on making an argument at all.  One of the things I have learned is to not have an argument, or even civilized (oops, offending word) discussion with those who solely rely on Fox News for their information.  It is a useless endeavor.  You see, Fox News even has it RIGHT UP THAR ON THEIR LOGO that they are ‘Fair and Balanced’.  I don’t see other news agencies doing that.  If you in fact were fair and balanced, why would you have to proclaim it so?  Unless you have a high number of cretin followers who need this reassurance.

My own family listens to Fox News in Salina, Kansas.  It is the gospel and to go against is heresy.  (That means committing a very bad thing, for my Kansas readers)

So, the argument is terminated now by a future period of mutual hate, after which we will all be friends again.

It leads me to remember the years of brouhaha over calling it “Holidays” in lieu of “Christmas”, which is what it is.   More and more people are coming back to using “Christmas”, and I think that’s nice.

I believe that “citizen” and “brown bag” will follow a similar fate, and those who think these things up will all have gone on to be Congressmen, Congress people

Happy Hanukkah!

It’s always something…

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Startling News from Congress....

I had to pass this along to you folks out there............

WASHINGTON—A blank piece of legislation that says nothing, does nothing, and contains no text whatsoever has been the source of heated debate in Washington this week, and has sharply divided Congress along partisan lines, Beltway sources confirmed Thursday.
Known as S.0000, the bill, which doesn’t have sponsors, co-sponsors, or an author, has reportedly drawn starkly contrasting opinions from legislators in both the Senate and House of Representatives, and has paved the way for a major legislative battle in coming months.
“At a time when millions of Americans are still struggling, we simply cannot afford this kind of devil-may-care federal policy,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), angrily waving the blank stack of papers in front of reporters. “We will not risk leading the American people into further hardship simply so the Obama administration can once again do whatever they please, regardless of the consequences. As it is now, the bill is both short-sighted and utterly irresponsible.”
Bill S.0000, which has sharply divided lawmakers.
“Frankly, we need to get back to the negotiating table and make some major changes before members of my party would even consider putting this up for a vote,” McConnell continued. “And if my friends on the other side of the aisle try push it through, well, they’ll pay the consequences at the ballot box.”
According to reports, 45 Democratic senators are in favor of the bill—which contains no text whatsoever—while 41 Republicans are staunchly opposed. At least three Republicans, including Sens. Richard Burr (R-NC), David Vitter (R-LA), and Susan Collins (R-ME), have said they would consider crossing the aisle and backing the bill, an announcement that drew fierce criticism from GOP leadership and primary threats from members within their own party.
Republican critics told reporters that the wordless document would “kill jobs and force another round of big government policies upon the American people.” Some Democrats said the blank legislation doesn’t go far enough, while a majority of party members accused the GOP of “willfully undermining the legislative process” and being totally averse to any and all concessions.
Republican senators filibustered the up-and-down vote proposed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) earlier in the week, and sources said today’s cloture motion that would have forced S.0000 to a vote also failed to pass.
House Speaker John Boehner has already said the Senate version of the non-legislation is dead on arrival in the House, and that the Republican majority would work together to pass their own blank law.
“The truth is, Speaker Boehner doesn’t have enough support in his own party, and will need Democratic help to pass anything,” said Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), adding that he “firmly and categorically stands behind” many of the nonexistent measures in the bill. “But once again, the GOP has decided they would rather spread vicious lies about the effects of this legislation, and they’ve successfully created a panic that is completely unfounded. Americans can’t afford to wait around any longer. We need to get this done now.”
While lawmakers have overwhelmingly fallen along party lines, several Democratic members of Congress who are up for reelection in 2014 have joined Republicans in blasting the legislation, fearing that showing any kind of support for President Obama and his agenda could lead to their ouster. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has said the bill, which would enact no changes of any kind to either federal or statewide governments, is immoral, unconstitutional, and flies in the face of states’ rights.
President Obama, meanwhile, has heavily criticized Congress for its failure to vote on the proposal.
“The inaction of Congress and the hyperbolic, ultra-partisan statements regarding this legislation, are precisely why most Americans are frustrated with Washington,” Obama told the assembled White House press corps, adding that he is prepared to sign the empty sheet of paper into law as soon as it crosses his desk. “Our government representatives are putting politics ahead of the American people, and that’s unacceptable.”
Though some lawmakers remain optimistic over a future deal brokered between the two parties, many Capitol Hill insiders said any future compromise is overwhelmingly unlikely.
“Essentially, there are two possible outcomes for this bill: It’ll either get completely gutted in committee, or it’ll be put up for a vote and then be swiftly killed,” said Washington Post national political correspondent Karen Tumulty, adding that to enact the bill’s total lack of provisions would require heavy concessions from both sides of the aisle. “But let’s not beat around the bush here—the midterm elections are right around the corner, and these legislators don’t want to take a chance and do anything that might cast them in a negative light before their constituents go to the polls.”
“To be completely honest, the best bet would be if Congress just waits until after 2014, breaks the bill up the into smaller parts and tries to pass it piecemeal,” Tumulty added. “Or maybe they should just start from scratch.”

Monday, July 22, 2013

Be Careful what you Wish for...

Saw this on Facebook - recently posted by a couple assholes I went to high school with back in the Midwest. careful,  NRA "buddies...."

"...oh, wishing star, we wish for an end to bigoted assholes in this country..."  OOPS!

It's always something...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Blood


How could you not vote for this, uh...this....

It's always something...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

It's a system, ok?

We have a system in this country that sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.  This is ok I suppose, but we should call it something other than a Judicial System.  "Judicial System" is a phrase that sounds like what you would say if you were drunk, or shall we say it can be understood when said by both sober and inebriated folks - "Ghudishalsistum".  for instance:  "Yesh I suppose Iwuz guilty but I have a good lawyer and thank goodness for our ghudishalsistum fer petessake."

 "...the quality of being fair and reasonable..."

It's not really a system that metes justice so much as it is a system that metes legality, or what ever can be used by legal professionals to bend whatever truth there may be in a situation to their advantage.  Depends on how good you are as a lawyer and what kind of people you pick as those who may listen to your arguments and vote for or against.

So, like, if you happen to live in say, Florida, you can kill a black guy and get acquitted.  Easy cheesy.  It all depends on the skill of the law professionals and how that is applied to the thought processes of a jury from say, Florida.

  "....rather than in equity..."

Or anything, really.  I don't think those who practice trial law care one whit about truth.  It IS,however important that your side wins.  There's the skill.  There's the game.  There's the justice legal system.

It's always something...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Dragged on Way too Long...

Had to share this news report.

It's always something...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Teatime brings folks together

I dunno...this still makes me laugh......

It's always something

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Television Entertainment

Lately I've been getting a little bored with HBO and the Comedy network.  I've found what seems to be an endless source of true comedy entertainment, even though it seems to pander to the fans of early day TV like Laurel and Hardy and such.  It's hard to watch if you really like to think, but then sometimes you just need something mind-numbing.

It has succeeded in reaching the less educated among us.

It's always something...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Your right to Choose, America...

Say...don't know if you've toggled down your choice bar lately, but it's been updated.  That's the great thing about this country - our freedom of choice.

It's always something...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yes, I HAVE had enough!

Rather than push 'don't like' (I've noticed that FB took out this option some time ago) and rather than commenting so the FB world can see my thoughts, I have elected to come down here in the basement and yell..."HELL YES I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!"

You see, that way not everyone can hear it. only those of you who know where my basement is (even if you elect to maybe not come down), you can just stand at the top of the stairs to hear what the lunatic is yelling about today.

And, no, Pat or 'Personal Liberty/Freedom' or whoever the hell made and sent this - no, I haven't had enough with what this poster seems to suggest.  I have had enough with the pure fact that someone thinks this is a good way to rattle their saber, or in the case of where I grew up, rattle their shotguns on the rear window of their F-100.

I guess I'll just come out and say it.  Fuck you.

Fuck you, who no longer accepts things you cannot change.  Fuck you, who thinks it's time to change things you cannot accept.  Well, fine, I'll watch you.  Yes, I vote too.  And, no, I don't put myself above you, even though you have chosen to put yourself above me.  You ARE better than me, aren't you Pat?

Yeah, I've had enough, but -it's always something, isn't it?.........

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Those darn Turks...

Those darn Turks...
I thought I would share a recent article sent to me c/o Rachael Maddow.  Yeah, some folks don't like her.
I'm doing my part to let folks know what's going on over there.

....."Thousands of Turkish protesters are heading to the streets for a ninth day of demonstrations, and to counter their government's heavy-handed tactics, they've found some pretty clever ways to get their message out.
On Thursday, we talked about game show host Ali Ihsan Varol overcoming media censorship by transforming the show's signature word puzzles into political statements.  
What's a democracy breather?  Gazmaskesi!  
A social network site described as a curse?  Twitter!
Varol was taken off the air after Monday's show, but following public outcry, resumed regularly scheduled live broadcasts on Friday.
In addition to media censorship, protestors have had to contend with aggressive policing, including tear gas and water cannons.  
This is TOMA, a riot control vehicle.

TOMA has followed these protesters around for several days now, which prompted the protester on the right to make a sign saying: I have been with TOMA for 8 days.  We're getting serious.  (Note the little hearts at the bottom of the sign.)

The guy next to him is holding a green sign saying: Without (tear) gas, what remains?  Life just isn't the same. (H/T Selen Koksal for the translations.)...."

I mean, really, ya gotta love the Turks....

It's always something

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dismal weather is just around the corner now...

June 4th in Seattle

God help us, we are going to PAY for this!!!  

I'm just going to leave shorts/sandals/ all that happy-clothes kind of thing in the drawer and wait for the dreary absolutely CRAPPY summer ahead.


It's always something...

Friday, May 31, 2013

Bruce's Opinion...

I have to say, Bruce here speaks the truth.

It's always something

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blind Willie Memorial Stadium, Manhattan, Kansas

Due to be completed soon, the new Blind Willie Memorial Stadium at Kansas State will be a beacon to our continued bumbling success.  Blind Willie has led us to athletic disasters too numerous to tell and he will be memorialized atop the taliesen of the west facade for all time.

We love Willie.  He is the "Mr. Magoo" of the way things are done at K-State.  

"Wow, how'd we do THAT?  By George."
         K-State fan typical comment at an event.

It's always something

Monday, May 13, 2013

An Alternate Universe

I don't know...this just struck me as kind of weird.  Jimi might still be alive today, playing at bar mitzfahs in Skokie, Ill.  I've never seen an accordion played behind the back.  "There must be some way outta here..."

It's always something