Saturday, November 28, 2009
Grandma still enjoys her scotch

Hello John,
Your December 2003 Best Of 2003 plaque is still available from American Registry and this month we're making it really simple to order your plaque.
I can send you the plaque and invoice you if you just email me back to confirm.
This month your plaque will cost just $99 with our special $60 discount, expiring on November 30th.
Shipping is $12, so your total invoice will be $111.
I hope you decide to promote your success this way - the plaque is gorgeous.
Riley Bloom
Account Manager, American Registry - Recognizing Excellence
(P) 866-964-0866 x 2
(F) 201-221-7770
Award: Best Of 2003
Publication: Northwest Construction
Publication Date: December 01, 2003
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hory Crap
Strong rink found betreen Chinese drywarr and corrosion
The federar Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that it has found a "stlong association" betreen drywarr made ina
Air Leakage and what it can mean to you
Internets, this is not my article. I copied it out of some of the Master Builders flotsam that bobs along the little information creek flowing through my office. It's about the energy code. It's about air leakage, which we all know is not a good thing, especially after tacos and broccoli. No, this is more about making your house tighter than a dentist with 2 dollars to spend. This is about (I guess) affordability of housing? No, it's about bureaucrats, more and more of them. More and more.......
Last Friday, the Washington State Building Code Council (SBCC) adopted the 2009 amendments to the Washington State Energy Code (WSEC). It did not go well for the construction industry; however, our association's involvement in the debate did help reduce the cost of these changes from what was originally proposed.
Everyone agrees the economy is struggling right now, and everyone also agrees that long-term energy efficiency is a good thing for
The SBCC's vote will increase the cost of housing by $5,000 to $10,000 per single-family home, beginning on July 1, 2010. The original figure of more than $10,000 per home was reduced as a result of our association's efforts to expose the damaging effect such changes would have on the industry.
Some of the changes that passed include:
- Air leakage testing will be mandatory for all new homes beginning next July.
- All buildings will need an energy meter beginning next summer.
- When replacing lighting, 20 percent must be high efficiency.
- The value of Energy Star is lost.
Neither our association, nor the larger construction industry opposes energy efficiency, but the timing could not be worse as the economy continues to struggle. One council member actually suggested it was the perfect time to implement the changes because nobody is building.
With these changes,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Driving on a planet
Monday, November 16, 2009
My mom was 6th in a family of 8. She is the last survivor. There is no one left but Bob in Iowa, who will be 100 in 2010 and Richard, here in town, who she will probably never see again for reasons too lengthy to explain here. Last one standing. All the others are a mile down the road in earthen containers arranged for us to find on Memorial day with markers announcing the most basic information of life's journey, etched in stone- Who you were, when you came here and when you left here.
My brother and I began to talk about our house where we grew up. The memory slots in my brain fired up, as did his. We fed off each other, filling in missing pieces. As each new piece came in several loooong forgotten ones emerged and it was a cornucopia of memory. Rather amazing. Long-term memory is the most indelible. The access to it is somewhat easy and the reward is almost overwhelming. The new detail brilliant and sharp as if it were yesterday.
I am writing this, internets, so that you can maybe find it for yourself someday when opportunity presents. Don't pass it up. And, if you've a mind, write it down.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Mr. brain comments
We're all basically our brains. Without them, the body just lies there like a suit of clothes waiting to be put on for the day. Nope, brains make you breathe, eat and do all the things that enable support, energy and transportation for the brain. We are really just wrinkled, grey cortex matter with sensory equipment to relate to one another.
My brain is in Kansas right now and wondering just how much more it can take watching the bodies and talking heads on Fox News babble and bluster WITHOUT brains guiding them in their endeavors. It's like watching beheaded chickens running around the barnyard. How did they come to lose their brains and what in god's name is propelling them? My brain has watched this for several days now and is puzzled beyond measure.
No! my brain isn't superior. far from it. But the body called what-? - Hannidy or something like that? My god, it's from some other planet.
Mr. brain would go on but the transport device has expended itself for today. More tomorrow.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Failure as a Lifestyle
So it was with bittersweet aplomb that we watched our team self-destruct today before our very eyes. Unravel. Implode. Weave all over the field and, yes, fart itself to death. Good Lord!
We will soon go to Kansas City for our annual Failed Architects Reliving Traditionally Expected Disaster (F.A.R.T.E.D.) dinner, departing to our failed lives the next day. Stay tuned.........
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Driving to Wichita
Hitting a cow or some other 1,500 pound object will seriously disrupt your nap and possibly damage the alarm clock, so make sure there are no cattle near the road on the horizon. (and, hope Clem, the guy in Newton, has completed his daily trip to Piggly Wiggly across the highway for snacks, pork rinds and diet pop.)
You shouldn't try this at night, for obvious reasons. It's when the blind folks drive.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Family history
Oh, did I mention the families of husbands 2 and 3? No, I didn't. Husband #2's family, once inherited by SM (sainted mother) consists of one dead kid (eye-out in beer bottle fight, death via alcholism), another obeise and soon-to-be dead kid, now fat, also drunk and living on the State dole, two other normal kids, just greedy and fucked up otherwise.
And did I mention the families of husband #3, recently dead? No, I didn't. Well, these clowns top old hubby #2 head and shoulders. Hubby #3 inhereted about $1M bucks from wife #1, dead from emphysema, kept the money, gave it out to the needy (Yes, by god, Mr. Maker is proud of this one for that at least). Well, hubby #3's family couldn't stand the codgered old fucking dick so when SM married him they all shouted allelieua and said how WONderrrrrful SM was for taking care of him. Geezus, she all but saved him from certain neglect and death had the kids anything to do with it. Give the old Tonto a fucking blanket, a skin of water and banish him out on the prairie - worked for the indians.
Yep, hubby #3's dead 'n split with the cash (Yes, it WAS legally theirs), and SM hasn't seen hide nor hair of 'em since. (except the one still poor one who lives nearby). Hey, thanks for taking care of 'Dad'. yeah, we all sure meant it. We ain't giving you one fucking dime of this and moreover, ain't replacing the carpet in your house on which the old fuck snuffed out the nearly 575,980 cigarettes he smoked in there.
Well, tomorrow's another day.....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What the Hell is the Point?
We usually go to a foot ball game, engage in a tailgate party, watch our team lose, sometimes have dinner, then go home. Pen and I usually stay overnight in Kansas City, then he and I go back to the left coast and Bert goes back and we spend the rest of the year on email complaining about how our team did THAT day and the rest of the year. Other teams are always better, not so much because they ARE better but because we are bad. We suck, in fact.
That brings me to the first point I suppose, if there is a point. Notice the use of 'we'. We have learned to associate our entire net worth, our self esteem, our very sacred honor (that's the shit that was in the declaration of Independence I think)...yes, all that on the success, or lack thereof, of our football team. I have been trying to figure this phenomina out all my life - a considerable time now - and have no answer with which I am satisfied.
two days and a wake-up to game day. to be continued....