They really are all around us. The insufferables. It's been creeping up on me, this notion that they were out there. Why I haven't noticed before I don't know. I nearly succumbed today. Yes, internets, I nearly met the fate experienced by this poor fellow here, head exploding. Coffee in hand this morning I browsed my news connections on line. Who hasn't seen all the stuff about the 4 fallen officers in Seattle - and I wanted to ruminate a bit more on the final chapters on this event, namely the memorial service et.al.
I wandered down the page and came upon the comment scroll. I read a few. Some folks were going on and on about why the fuss? Why all the expense? They're dead!! Why all this for these and nary a blippo on all the needless deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan? Ble bla, bla, yammer, yammer...hey I'm a veteran why ain't I got this? Oh, and there was this one guy (I assume a guy) who called himself "thanx4the exhaust" or something like that. HIS beef was all the exhaust fumes being expended by the cop cars 'n such while that Omamma-bama fella was over in Europe on this global green warming conference, yammer, yammer. What - The - Fuck, buddy? WTF? And it dawned on me. He was an insufferable. My head was turning red and my eyes were popping - and I nearly fell into the trap. Some folks did. they had quite a little rant - a- rant, tete-a-tete going on. God!!
Well, on with my work, and the encountering of my share of the other insufferables who will cross my path today. Cross my path. Today.
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