Que music and logo…spinning in…..5, 4, 3, 2……
Channel 5 news starts right NOW!
Good evening. Among our top stories tonight – President Obama unveils new administration policies on health reform – what are they and when do they take effect?….Iran – unsettling news from election results…..see what the new prices are at the pumps – this could set back summer travel plans for many….see what happened in a north bend neighborhood that has the whole community talking – and Jeff, what do we see in the forecast?
Will we have sun tomorrow? Will we have rain? Check back in 20 minutes. Over to you Chris Egan –
Did the M’s break that 25 game losing streak finally? We’ll find out in the next segment.
We’ll be back…
Blab la bla, big mattress sale…blab la bla…blab la. Bla. Bla bla…bl bl blab bla home equity loans at lowest blab la bla….this is Jody. She was diagnosed with pre cancerous cervical blab la bla, but her story has a good ending blab la bladie bla bladie bla bla….this is steve. Steve had some horrendous fucking heart problem or stroke or something…blab la bla bladia blab la…but maybe it’s not too late for YOU, blab la…looking at some goddamn fucking horses now, blab la bla…..several ads for shit coming up on the networks this week…some inane ad for the new Conan Obrian show…
Que music and logo…spinning in…..5, 4, 3, 2……
And we’re back!
President Obama gave news on health reform, we’ll see what that’s about in the next segment. Election results in
Thanks Jeff. Chris, how ‘bout those M’s?
Yes Jean, how ‘bout those M’s. did they play up to expectations today? More coming up just ahead.
We’ll be right back…….
Blab la bla, big mattress sale…blab la bla…blab la. Bla. Bla bla…bl bl blab bla home equity loans at lowest blab la bla….this is Jody. She was diagnosed with pre cancerous cervical blab la bla, but her story has a good ending blab la bladie bla bladie bla bla….this is steve. Steve had some horrendous fucking heart problem or stroke or something…blab la bla bladia blab la…but maybe it’s not too late for YOU, blab la…looking at some goddamn fucking horses now, blab la bla…..several ads for shit coming up on the networks this week…some inane ad for the new Jay Leno show…
Que music and logo…spinning in…..5, 4, 3, 2……
And we’re back!
More to come on the administration’s new health plan announcements, what they are, what they mean to Americans and when all this will happen. Tune in tomorrow at 5AM for the latest. Chris?
M’s open a new series with
Thanks Chris, Jeff….how about that wake-up forecast?
Thanks Jean. Tomorrow when you wake up it will be dark, that is if you get up early. Expect a commute and some conditions, tune in at 5AM for all the latest. Back to you Jean.
Thanks Jeff (some newscaster banter and forced laughter)
We’ll be right back…
Blab la bla, big mattress sale…blab la bla…blab la. Bla. Bla bla…bl bl blab bla home equity loans at lowest blab la bla….this is Jody. She was diagnosed with pre cancerous cervical blab la bla, but her story has a good ending blab la bladie bla bladie bla bla….this is steve. Steve had some horrendous fucking heart problem or stroke or something…blab la bla bladia blab la…but maybe it’s not too late for YOU, blab la…looking at some goddamn fucking horses now, blab la bla…..several ads for shit coming up on the networks this week…some inane ad for the new Jay Leno show…
Que music and logo…spinning in…..5, 4, 3, 2……
And we’re back!
Good night from all of us at King 5.
And I sit there in a daze. What the fuck did I just watch for 30 goddam minutes and why do I feel so uninformed? Geezus! There’s a black bear walking across the street…what’s King 5’s number…..?
Laughing. Out. Loud.
ReplyDeletecoming up a story about a dog and a rooster "you just won't believe"