I like to keep up on all the professional licensing requirements....
I get this news letter every quarter from the fiendly folks in Nevada. They make it a quest, a passion, nay - a driven obsession to castigate as many professionals as they possibly can. With the relish and gusto of Reno 911, the Nevada board goes about its duties...
Special Legislative Edition
The 2009 Nevada Legislature adjourned June 1. Below are summaries of the three board-proposed bills which were signed into law in May. All three laws became effective immediately. If you have not complied with any of this from June 2, you are in deep shit.
The next issue of Focus, due out later this summer, will outline other proposed professional hosings and legislative news of interest to registrants.
Written contracts required for registrants
SB49 requires registrants have written contracts with their clients prior to providing professional services. Basic elements that must be included in the contract are outlined in the new statute. The law allows a registrant to begin providing services, if the client agrees in writing, that services may be provided prior to a contract being executed. The law also provides exemptions from the requirement, including an exemption for circumstances when the client and registrant agree, in writing, that a contract is not required.
Chapter 623 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, an architect, registered interior designer or residential designer shall execute a written contract with a client before providing professional services to the client. He shall, without hesitation, doubt or malice, stand up on the conference room table, drop his trousers, grab his scrotum and repeat with raised fist, without error, the code of ethics set forth by the Nevada state Legislature.
2. A contract created pursuant to subsection 1 must contain, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) A description of the services to be provided to the client by the architect, registered interior designer or residential designer;
(b) A description of the basis for compensation and the method of payment, even if you're not getting jack shit for your services;
(c) The name, address and certificate number, address of birthplace, name at birth (if different from present name), number of fingers and toes, and length of tongue of the architect, registered interior designer or residential designer and the name and address of the client;
(d) A description of the procedure or excuse that the architect, registered interior designer or residential designer and the client will use to accommodate additional services, including trying to get compensated for just plain fucking up;
(e) A statement identifying the ownership (if anyone admits to same) or reuse of documents prepared by the architect, registered interior designer or residential designer; and
(f) A description of the procedure to be used by the Owner to terminate the architect in cold blood.
3. An architect, registered interior designer or residential designer may provide professional services to a client before the execution of a written contract only if the client agrees in writing that a written contract is not needed because he has no intent on paying the architect a fucking red cent.
4. A contract created pursuant to subsection 1 is not required for professional services rendered by an architect, registered interior designer or residential designer:
(a) For which the client will not pay compensation (already said that);
(b) When, after full disclosure of the requirements of this section, the client agrees in writing that a contract meeting the requirements of subsection 1 is not required (already said he was not paying a fucking red cent); or
(c) To a person who holds a certificate of registration as a landscape architect pursuant to chapter 623A of NRS who mistakingly thinks that anything green will have a chance in Hell of growing in this God-forsaken piece of shit state, or a person who is licensed as a professional engineer, who thinks it's worth building anything in this piece of shit state, pursuant to chapter 625 of NRS.
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