Monday, June 25, 2012

Non-Moving Violation, Part II

Here is a photo of the "offending car", parked west of the sign that says "No Parking EAST of here".  This photo was taken looking west.  So, east of "here" is behind where I took this, standing just east of the sign saying 'no parking east of here', or right up there, where the sign is, indicating where "here" is.

Ok, so the city police department finally got back to me and said I have to fill out a Form requesting a hearing to plead my case; Getting my $240 back from being towed.  I'll get this form tomorrow and take it to the courthouse.

It's always something.....


  1. Glad I moved my car from behind you so you could get a clear shot of the offending vehicle

  2. thanks, Mr. Cranky. I am too. What's Jessie Jone's phone number?
