Thursday, May 24, 2012

Non-moving Violation - Part I

I would like to think that I am a good citizen.  A follower of rules.  
Rules are for following.  
Without rules, and those who dutifully follow them we 
would live in chaos, no?

When driving on the freeway I keep to the right, except to pass, 
of course if in such passing 
I do not exceed the speed limit.  Although, driving a Prius does 
make it more of a challenge
to follow the ‘minimum’ speed limit, usually 45.

I signal to turn and to change lanes.  
Well, NOW especially to change lanes since 
I was pulled over one Sunday morning in Kirkland for 
Guilty as charged.  Yep.  I did it, or didn’t do it, as the 
Kirkland Gestapo so righteously informed me.  I was the 
only car on the planet that morning 
(except for the Kirkland Gestapo squad car)
 and just, willy-nilly, out of my mind in my road borne 
solitude just CHANGED LANES without signaling 
(similar to if a tree falls in a deserted forest does it make a noise?).  
Damn!  Did it!  With wonton disregard to my fellow citizens.  
The Gestapo let me off with a warning, but I do have to wear 
a little yellow patch on my coat showing the outline of a car not signaling.  

So today I took the bus to the baseball game.  A good citizen.  
I used public transit, kept one more car off the freeway and furthered 
the cause of bus ridership.  The Redmond park and ride was full with 
cars of people who had jobs so I had to park on the street.  I parked 
on the street and dutifully followed what the sign said.  
The sign said NO PARKING EAST OF HERE.  
East of HERE.  
I parked WEST of here.
I parked and got out and stood at the sign and wondered 
where was east of HERE?  
I decided that HERE was meant to be where the sign was.  
Like where it was, was somehow, HERE, or where I was standing.  
And my car was WEST of HERE, not EAST.  
Confident I had complied vith ze rhules, 
I boarded the bus and went to the game.

I got back and The REDMOND Gestapo this time had impounded my Prius.  
Towed the sucker away.  
Went to the police station.  
Had to use the “red phone’ in the lobby since the window was closed.  
Yep.  I had somehow violated the rules and been towed.

So, there I was this morning, paying a ransom to the greedy 
evil toad crouched behind the desk at the towing company in Totem Lake.  
His assistant led me back to where they had stashed my car, 
dragging his knuckles down the greasy corridor.  
He didn’t smile.  Nor did I.  
He DID wish me a better day as I drove out of gasoline alley and 
with all my might I resisted telling him I wished that a swarm of 
wasps make a nest up his nose 
and sting the sonofabitch until he crapped acid.

I expect I will get a ticket from the Redmond Gestapo any day now.  
I have decided to contest this.  If I don’t succeed I plan to GET JESSE!!

Stay tuned for 27 - 8 x 10 color glossy pictures with 
circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one…….

It’s ALWAYS something….

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