I have learned a great deal about How our country is in the fix it's in, and where it should be going during my short visit here. I hope to learn more.
First of all, I didn't know that all, not most, but all of our problems we have in this country today are the cause of liberals. I don't have room here to list all the facts, but I'm told it's true.
And - the reason the GOP, when elected back into power has such a hard time correcting the course of the nation is because the liberals always leave it in such disarray. In fact, the country is STILL reeling from the FDR administration! Holy cow. I had no idea.
It takes more than two successive GOP administrations, (8 years of power) to right the wrongs of a liberal administration. How many terms...we don't know.
It was suggested to me that, this being the case, the two party system should be done away with and candidates for office be elected out of the one true party, the GOP. Leadership would be strong and consistant and we all would come to know what is expected of us to exist as a nation.
Government would be limited to a body that offered the capitalist regime not laws, but only a suggested guide on how to operate. Government would not interfere. Goodness and right would emerge and all citizens would be expected to pull their load - do their share. The lazy and indigent would be left to the fruits of their own ineptness and would perish on their own accord, not on the State's. Those not willing to go along with the rest would be forced into labor camps and eliminate the need for illegal immigrant workers who presently plague our great nation.
No more lazy people, no more folks who choose not to make it on their own.
This is what I have learned so far. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, and if you're not white...you're fucked
Zieg heil, mein kampf!
Of Fires and Feelings
1 year ago