Friday, September 17, 2010

Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one, and they all stink

I'm by myself often. It probably explains why I think too much about stuff. I like to write and would like to become better. I've had 'writer's block'. I don't know what that is but if it means you just don't give a fuck about writing sometimes that's what I have. I'm sorry about using expletives here, but at my age using them in a sentence is the closest I will come to ever having the actual experience again. (Being fucked as a tax payer doesn't count.)
I'm sitting here tonight watching Glen Beck. Just finished The O'Reilly Factor. I discovered that it is better to watch these programs with the sound on mute. Why, you say - why on earth are you watching these programs? Well, I'll tell you. I'm going to Kansas next week for my 45th high school reunion. I feel I must prepare myself for the immersion back into Fox Network Land. I grew up with these values, but they have worn thin out here on the left coast (that's the oh, so clever way the west is described by those in the heartland). My old values drilled into my psyche throughout childhood have eroded out here. I still harbor virulent hate for those who are not exactly like me, but it has receded pretty far back after 30+ years.
So I am preparing myself for a two week stint in the heartland and an existence with family gathered around the sacred Fox Box every night after dinner where we will engage in lively facist conversation and what to do with the liberals, blacks, gays, chinks and kykes fouling the system. Grab your coat, get your hat - leave your worries on the can be complete, on the far right side of the street.....
Good night and good luck

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