Being an unemployed architect and all, I've had some time to think of the future. And what would a future be without being dead? A bit macabre I know, but it has an element of truth to it. I would want to be eco-dead, of course, and would not want to take up too much space. Cremation is the eco-ticket. But before my dust particles settle into wherever those who knew me think I would like to be scattered - I'd like to finish a few things I started here on earth.
What to do when you're dead? One thing I thought of was to go wait for a building permit. Doesn't matter what town.
Then I think I'd wait for an elevator for awhile. But one would come and the fun would be over. Better chance for an eternal wait to go out to the street here in Seattle and wait for some nice weather.
Then I think I'd go to our old office in Bellevue and wait for something good to happen. Now THAT would be some serious eternal waiting. Not one fucking good thing ever happened in the 30 years or so I worked as an architect.
Eternal waiting gets boring I suppose, even for an urn full of cremated dust, so off i might go to a local airport, get myself transferred to some Tupperware or something and jump out of an airplane without a parachute. That might be kind of cool.
I might go over to Seattle and go to an AIA meeting. Or better yet - go to one of those fucking self-appreciation, mutual admiration AIA awards dinners. Jesus, I don't think I could stand that though, even being dead. What a bunch of insufferable pricks!
Oh hell, after the AIA one would have to have a gigantic dose of civic awareness, so I might go over and wait for the new tunnel to be built along the Seattle waterfront. This of course will never happen in ALL of eternity and I'll need to find something else to watch.
On to Washington D.C. Well, sonofabitch! I've been elected a senator! NOW I'll get some stuff done!
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