Try as I might to be loose with charcoal I seem to gravitate towards the blended, the shaded - and detail. I never drew headlights before and so this exercise was fun. damn if they don't look like headlights. This is a larger drawing and I was hoping to just get into the quick interpretation of this car image. but then i got fascinated with it. Fascinated with what someone did 80 years ago with this steel form and the details of it. I guess i like the tension that I'm trying to convey. An industrial work of art really. it caught the eye of the consumer initially. It was in vogue. it was used. consumed. and here it is now in the weeds.
I'm feeling akin to this old fellow these days. I'm an architect who doesn't use Auto CAD. Never learned it. It was a choice then and still is. I have resources, others who do it. And no, I am NOT going to be one of those old, insufferable fucks who cling to the past. fuck the past. But sometimes there is lament in its passing.
We are remodeling our old house this year, finally. My studio is going to be in the rebuilt garage. I plan to immerse myself in my art. Soon. The calling of it is becoming strong.
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