This last weekend I smudged our office. Yes. Smudged. It is a native American cleansing ritual employing sage smoke and a methodical rotation through the room or series of rooms.
Our architectural firm is $40,000 in debt, out of money, out of work and nearly out of hope. Our newly hired half-day-a-week bookkeeper suggested this. I consulted some friends who told me to go for it, so we did.
I thought it was so much hokum. Hey, I'm a Christian and we just don't do this kind of thing. But we started, and the sage smoke reminded me of the Orthodox Christians and the high church Episcopalians who use incense. Smelled JUST like it in fact. Now, I don't have a big ass bejeweled fancy schmancy robe and hat that the Orthodontic Christians wear, and am not ordained or anything, but by golly it was a religious experience nonetheless.
There are some theological problems with calling spirits and the like. I believe there is but one God. But ya know, I just don't know all about this God I've believed in all these years. Now, some folks DO know him - lotsa Catholics and protestants know God personally. THAT is way cool and I wish I was that privileged, but alas, I'm an Episcopalian and don't know shit. I just figure that God is here in this stuff somewhere and, well, smudge on, brother.
I felt pretty good when we were through. During the exercise I remembered all the schmoes who had worked there and who had brought me down so much. I remembered all the wacko office managers we've gone through - the ones who stole directly from us. The ones who nearly ruined us by their inane, blatant stupidity. (but for LZ - the one shining light amongst them all). I remembered that bad stuff and sent it out with the smoke - forgave it - let it go.
I don't know if it "worked" but I felt better that day and still do. I practiced my drums later that day and had a defined clarity of rhythm and groove. It was almost zen. I do attribute that to the cleansing. Tomorrow is another day and there will be more negativity anew. I hope I have found another tool now to deal with it. a thanks to AC and LZ for inspiration.
I know what you mean. Sometimes I think my company could use a smudge, a rain dance, a saiance, a spell, a hex, good juju and a rabbits foot. You get to a point and you think ya know what I really don't care how it works, as long as it works. Please just make it more gooder!