Now that mom is in her 90’s she doesn’t get out as much as
she once did. This is especially true
since she broke her hip last year. She’s
still in a wheelchair to get around.
She still enjoys talking about her trips out hunting with
her VHS-K compact assault rifle that she got back in 2009 after the elections,
convinced that the Democrats were going to take guns away from Kansans. She got the weapon at the local Walmart on a
special post-election sale in a tent in the parking lot. She got pretty good at it until she broke her
So last summer on my visit she talked me into getting her
out to “do some shootin’”. I rigged up a
gun rest on the left arm of her wheelchair.
We went out and found a gentle sloped dirt road. I would give her a start and she would roll
down the road, blasting at any critter that moved. She couldn’t lift the weapon over to the
right so varmints on that side were safe.
Well, truth be told, they ALL were pretty safe, except for being scared
crapless at the firepower of 750 rounds per minute coming at them from a
wheelchair barreling down the road.
Awesome firepower.
She didn’t get any varmints but managed to saw off a few
road signs and fence posts.
She keeps it by her chair in the living room, in case any of
“them Obamanites” show up unannounced.
It’s always something
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