Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sometimes ya just have a good day

Well, Internets, had a good day today. The real highlight was finding a high quality plastic twisty from an electronics power cord gizmo that I thought I had discarded. I used to keep all this stuff but lately we've been trying to cut down on the pack-rat horde, so now I always untwist the cord and throw the tie away instead of tossing it in my toolbox tray. It's a small step, but you have to start somewhere.

My shoes started becoming unraveled about a year ago. This was upsetting since I was hoping to get more than 15 years wear from them. I noticed my right shoe had become looser and sure enough, the dang thread had broken. You can see by the photo that the stitches are well done. I wanted to repair it in a non-invasive manner so I got out the Elmer's carpenter's glue I had used a couple years ago on the toe of the shoe to glue it down so it wouldn't flap when I walked. The threads were too short to tie back and the glue made a nice fix inside the shoe. The glue broke soon after and then I was too embarrassed to take them in to a repair place, having honked them up with the glue. Not wanting to experience the baffled, incredulous expression from the cobbler I used a grocery store paper wrapped wire tie as a second fix.

This was great for awhile but the wet weather frazzled the paper and I was left with a mangy looking shoe, what with the former glue blob and now this ratty grocery store tie.

But today - today my luck changed. I am now sporting a new tie, resplendently encased in black weatherproof PVC, looking rather sporty in its twisted application.

It's always something and sometimes, well things just turn out for the best.

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