We've found him, that jolly old fellow. Cleverly disguised as just a regular old guy, Santa was seen today in Chicago's near north side in a small hole-in-the wall restaurant on Dearborn. He was wearing regular old guy pants and an old guy shirt. With a little old companion so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
Back in the kitchen there rose such a clatter I rose from my chair to see what was the matter. Some body dropped what must have been an entire bus cart of pans. Nick jumped at the sound as if he was worried his cover had been blown. He looked ever so suspicious - like a fugative or maybe a celebrety concerned with concealment.
More rapid than eagles his courses they came
and he whistled, almost shouted and called them by name...
Now salad, now pepper, ........he sneezed on his fixins,
bring comet and, stupid, my dinner is blitzin........or some such thing he mumbled to the waiter.
The guy almost never stopped laughing. That little friend of his was keeping him in stitches. I was thinking maybe they were some sort of comedy team warming up for Second City just down the street a ways. His friend was really a strange guy. Feet didn't quite touch the floor but he looked about 40. He just kept making stuff out of the sugar packets and the napkins - had a little barnyard managerie or something going on in front of the opld guy before he started his dessert.
I was finished but I just had to stay to watch these two. No one in the restaurant seemed to notice them. I thought maybe I was hallucinating. I got my bill and paid it. When I looked up the two were gone and the table was again set for four.
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