Courtesy of Wikipedia
A disturbing report by the Police Assessment Resource Centre (Parc), a non-profit based in Los Angeles, alleges that Los Angeles Sheriff Department’s dogs are more likely to bite African-Americans and Latinos, stating that in the first six months of 2013 all dog bite victims were African-American and Latinos.
I don’t know why this is such a big surprise. K9 units use German Shepherd dogs, more famously known as the favorite dogs of Hitler’s army. And we all know what they were up to. So despite the claims by some that the dogs of K9 units pick up racist cues from their handlers, it is more likely that the dogs themselves are racist sons of bitches. With this in mind, it would be easy to fix this problem. Just get different breeds of dogs for the police force.
There are a variety of good options to pick from, which are not only less likely to bite, but may also be a good fit based on the areas demographic. For example, in predominantly Latino neighborhoods, the police could use Chihuahuas. Or in areas with a higher percentage of African-American population the breed of choice could be the Rhodesian Ridgeback, which is a breed developed in Southern Africa. And of course if there is a pretty even mix, then perhaps a mixed breed dog is called for.
This is of course not the only solution to this problem but it illustrates a creative approach.
If you have suggestions please share with the community. I’ll work on getting the suggestions with the most support in front of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.
Credit for this goes to 'The Sarcasmist'. See above for a link.
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