Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good to Go

Watched a report on the status of “Good To Go” on TV by Robert Mak a few days ago.  I’ve got my little G-T-G thing on my windshield, as demanded by WSDOT.  Looks like this thing won’t start now until late July, right about when Seattle gets its two weeks of blistering, sultry hot 78 degree summer.  Well, I’m ready, by god. 

Yep, a toll for all seasons it’s touted to be.  There’s a different charge for different times on different days – and – if your car happens to be blown off the bridge midway, you won’t be charged for the trip!  How cool is that?

Mak interviewed a State Legislator who was making some noise about maybe this toll isn’t enough.  Maybe they should toll BOTH frickin’ bridges.  Yep, you just wait.  It’ll happen.  In fact, hell, maybe they ought to just toll the beegeezus out of every route to anywhere.  We HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY. 

I’ve done a little map to help the lawmakers who can read get a jump on this idea and trump it up down in Olympia

Note also that we go “out” to Issaquah…”over” to Redmond…and “up” to Monroe.  Kind of a Seattle thing I guess. 

So, we’ll pay a toll everywhere we go.  The next step is for the State to tattoo a barcode onto our foreheads and we can pay tolls for, say, sidewalks, public buildings and stairways, the waterfront…..just imagine the possibilities for sorely needed State Revenue. 

A barcode that has stopped moving on the street could signal a death possibly by a mugging or being hit by a car, maybe passed out from inebriation, any number of things.  This way, aid can be directed to the toll payer in hopes of saving them so they can continue to provide revenue.  Nothing wasted.

It’s always something………

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's almost here!!

It’s coming next week!  June 21st!  The first day of summer for us folks north of the hemisphere.  The Earth sort of tilts this way and that.  And when it’s on the backward (or is it forward?) tilt that means the northern hemisphere does a leaner towards the sun.  

The sun, as we remember from 8th grade science class is 5,778 degrees Kelvin, 5,5505 degrees Celsius, or just more commonly known as 18 bazillion firkin degrees.  This is really, REALLY hot, fusing something like 620 million METRIC TONS of hydrogen each second.  Almost an equivalent of the amount of oxygen Sarah Palin’s ignorance sucks out of a room.

We don’t burn up, of course, because the sun is damn near 150 million kilometers away.  What we DO, is set out the barbee, put on our shorts and sandals, our SPF 45 and hit the beach.  That is, everyone but Seattleites.  (I still think of little beeping, orbiting people when I see the word ‘Seattleite’). 

No, Seattle is different.  This year we had measureable rain on 87 of 131 days through May 11.  That’s like, 66%.  Now, counting the days when we had a TRACE of rain the statistic jumps to 104 of 131 days with rain (wet is wet whether or not Mr. Peabody measures it at the airport).  F’ing ridiculous. 

Anyone watching the weather channel can see the problem here.  What apparently happens is that THE ENTIRE PACIFIC OCEAN evaporates each year, travels up, swirls over Washington and condenses, falls and runs back to fill the ocean back up.  WHO the HELL would want to LIVE in a place like this?  Just ask the little beeping, orbiting people. 

I wouldn’t want to live in Alaska though.  No oxygen.

It’s always something.