I was rummaging around in my basement the other day looking for our lawn chairs. What started my search was seeing the sun come out. It was only for five minutes or so. This is quite an event in Seattle . Folks take the day off early, the floating bridge traffic snarls due to blindness for drivers and one can see some of the Northwest mole people out on the wet grass, shirts off reading their articles on green living recycling in the balmy 45 degree filtered sunlight.
Sure, I know it won’t be nice until summer. But I was excited – and just couldn’t wait until July 15th, the first day of the week-long Seattle summer. With only a week of summer I figured I would get the drop on it by repainting my lawn chairs now with Rust-oleum. They would certainly be dry by June. Plenty of time to get them ready to run out to the yard and use them for the summer week.
I found the lawn chairs finally. They had accumulated a bit of rust. Looked high and low for my can of Rust-oleum but it wasn’t in the basement.
I went out to the garage and found it on the shelf. The irony of the condition of the can was not lost on me. I’m heading out to Costco to get some green spray paint. Maybe I’ll see if the summer furniture is on sale yet.
It’s always something…